sharp points: January 2005 Archives

fattening up

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My yarn diet has gone the way of all diets. Uncommon Threads had a great sale today on Debbie Bliss! $3 a ball! $4 for Alpaca Silk (of which there was none left but thanks to Becky I have some anyhow.) So, of course, I fell for more moldy green Merino DK which is actually called Blue-green. And matches the blog colors :) So yes, dear reader, I stockpiled and now have to destash "archived yarn" since I bought an entire bag! Sweater land here I come... eventually. Hollis helped me compare yardage for a sweater and the merino dk has a whopping 110m/50g which made it a great buy (less balls of yarn needed). Yeah yeah, I know, I'm such a lost cause. DK weight, too, ohh I'll be knitting that sweater for a loong time. Maybe it will be done by next fall.

Also picked some up in mommy's favorite purple for ... the dog. I'm kinda wondering if I should use the Plymouth Worsted or Debbie Bliss Merino Aran to make the geriatric sweetie dog (no, not my mother. the dog) a sweater. Spoiled cutie.

The stash is now too big for my tiny IKEA box and with stitches west coming up (*pumps fist in air once again* even though it looks so dorky) I think I'll need another box. Not to worry, I have one in the closet filled with a few bags. Hah. Yeah, that's going to be reappropriated super-quick.

Sales aside, life goes on, the rain comes down, and homework needs to be done. And tea needs to be made. If it weren't so illogical, I really wish someone would open a yarn cafe. You know, sell caffeine and yarn? Ahh. Seattle-ites are lucky with their yarn cafes open at late hours. I would pay good money to buy needles/gauges/patterns/etc at 9 pm at night. Must go do some homework so I don't have to commit hara-kiri on my expensive addi turbo needles

need vs want part two


Other than falling for some knitting needles, beverages, and meals out, I think I did fairly well. I made my donation to MSF today. I've been sitting tight and keeping my tush at home where the .com stores have been trying to lure me in. What I do want is a new highly adjustable office chair... My tush is complaining.

So here's the button I get to display with pride-

I'm also working on a late xmas gift for someone who knows it goes around the head but does not yet know the pattern and yarn so I'll resist posting a picture of this totally gorgeous color.

Char and Melissa are out this weekend on the other coast and I think I have travel envy. Of course Jet Blue would take this opportunity and e-mail an extended special offer. Righto. My homepage at Get Back to Work is reminding me that I have work to do. Best finish the browsing and get back to work!

stash ownership


I've decided that yarn purchased for other "not-for-me" projects don't count as part of my stash or nor are they subject to freecia's rule of stash reduction. Ah yes, just got back from the Knitting Room in San Jose (off Almaden and 85) where I purchased a ball of cascade sierra in an ecru (color code #03) for my mother.

I know I promised a list of the new books I received for Xmas.

Weekend Knitting
Last Minute Knitted Gifts
Vogue Knitting
Stitch and Bitch Nation
Ultimate Knitter's Guide
365 Knitting Stitches a Year

mittenette fevah!

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If you are craving more mittenettes (always nice in icky weather) give Natalya a look-see.
There is an absolutely gorgeous pair Norma is knitting that really shows off the cabling. Make your knit time stretch with cables! :) This is also knit in the round but on US #8 dpn.

Use your skewed humor and apply it to the "Caption Abigail's mittens" contest. Come on Char. Stare harder, think dirty. We know you can.

splash and dash


Well, my family and friends heard my plea and gave me yarn, books, yarn and books, and a rowan subscription (Thanks Aunt Tracy!). So now I have a righteous stack of knitting books and a goodly stack of yarn. Of course, it did not help that knitting arts has a sale right now until the 8/9th of Jan. with 30% the tables in the back and 20% off all other yarn. Notions, needles, and books are not on sale (but still in short supply) so of course I purchased a book for Melissa, Ann Budd Book of Patterns, so she can see the actual anatomy of knitwear instead of just following patterns and thinking they're totally weird and "how will that turn into this". Especially the sweater. I wanted to get her Budd's sweater book but they didn't have it in stock and this book had quite a bit of info on sweaters, too.

There was a nice amount of Noro on the back table and I picked up two lovely blue skeins to make into a hat for James who was especially sweet this xmas season. He pretty much made the rest of my friends mad since he left them nothing on my gift list (but agreed to return the duplicates)

Vegas was a hoot and some. Ate much too much, saw two more cirque shows so now I've seen all four cirque shows stationed there, and hurt myself sleeping. I'm so hardcore. Stephi's scarf is a continuing saga but she did get to see it today and she requested it be longer. Longer it shall be. This is perhaps the upside of procrastiknitting gifts- they're still on the needles.

Pictures and titles of books to come. Gotta go delete some comment spam.

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This page is a archive of entries in the sharp points category from January 2005.

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