Slowly but surely I managed to finish a pair of sweetheart socks! Pattern is from the 2007 Holiday Interweave magazine They're not quite identical but given how little I've been knitting recently (at least, things that aren't baby knits for gifts) I'm quite happy with them!
It has long been established that I'm a wimpy Californian when it comes to the cold. While google claims that it is a fair 70 degrees outside, inside the house, it feels about 60.
Solution? Please excuse my shivering while I put on a hat, a down vest, and hug a hot water bottle. Finished knits to the rescue! One Koolhaas hat made of Malabrigo Merino Worsted weight
I'll post a better picture of the hat sometime soon, but I need to go heat up with a hot shower and knit some wool socks. Yes, that's me, Miss Weather Whimp.
I finally did some last minute finishing as bambino #1 came into the world about a week ago. So far, I've only got photos and have not seen the bambino in person, but I sent along the finished knit with his grandma.
Yes, these photos were taken at a stoplight on the way to gift them. I just picked up the buttons the night before and finally found a tapestry needle that fit in the buttonholes. And yes, I only made two buttonholes. I forgot the others...
I found myself up at 1 am last night with extremely cold feet and in need of wool socks. I woke up this morning and wished for wool sweaters. I'm sure by the time I get home tonight, I'll go diving through my stash and organizing my closet to pool out my woolies and mend what needs to be repaired.
Yes, friends, though I've always considered myself a four season knitter, when the chilly weather hits (and by chilly, I mean in the 60's during the day), I go on a warm clothing rampage. The knitting bug kicks in and I'm staring at my sizable sock yarn collection, thinking that I really should have knit socks all summer like Wendy so I'd be semi-prepared for this "I need cold weather clothes, now!" bug. Just a few more months until everything in the LL Bean catalog looks wonderful, especially if it was made to withstand below freezing weather. That's what makes it almost suitable for a mild California winter for this California girl.
In the meantime, I've been knitting little baby sweaters and just have to finish them. Well, the babies will come sooner or later, so obviously they've got to be finished!
Headlamp+Camping+White Lace = Freecia Knitting. I had the help of a lantern, too. Icarus Shawl in Alpaca With a Twist Fino destined as gift knitting. Saboteur in the background.
Best of Luck to Dr. Kristi and husband Dr. Andy in Boulder, CO!
The BobaKnitters (and Honorary Bobaknitters) sent Kristi off in high style at Mary's. There were so many of us and I'd like to play the linky game but must find my bed soon, so please post in the comments or send a trackback link if you were here!
There was yarn themed food: alpaca shaped pretzels, sweater shaped pizzas, sheeply cake, and even a spindle made with a mushroom with corn silk roving. There were antics only the Bobaknitters would think of, like a sheep piñata:
Hannah bashed it in right after the kids had a go and made a small child cry at the decapitated sheep.
And a sheep stripper. Oh no, we weren't defleecing lifestock, we (aka Cookie) shoved Hannah into a sheep costume (sewn by Jill), put Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back on the speakers(brought by Cindy), and Hannah strutted her stuff, exploding little sheep all over the back lawn as she tore open the suit to reveal a "I <3 Kristizilla" shirt. Kristi's reaction? Priceless.
Update:: I found a little footage!!!
Hannah made another small child cry. Awesome.
I'll miss you Kristi! Come back soon and visit! And yes, you're not Cookie A
So no more eBay or other weird widgets unless they're knitting or craft related. And no, I will not be discussing the "Is knitting a craft" thing. This is a pointy things category, under which many things fall, but it seems to be lots of yarn, some sewing, and my general happiness with pointed objects. This includes staples...
Did your eyes survive that? The sweater in progress I'm wearing is the puff sleeved cardigan from Fitted Knits and if you can't tell, the torso is far too short so I will be finishing up the sleeves and frogging back the bottom. Gotta remember to save a bit of yarn for the button bands, except I'm considering putting in a zipper instead. The finished puff sleeves I've seen pictures of all have gaping button bands. Fitted knits, yes, but gaping knits, no thanks.
And that's the entire story to the pink camo. So very pink. And camo.