sharp points: April 2006 Archives


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Have you ever watched your favorite tv show or movie and wanted to meet the star, stalked their website, and wondered if you'd come of like a total blubbering idiot if you ever got to see them in person? Well, evidently, I'm pretty cool under stardom-firsthand pressure.1 I've spent the past few days rubbing elbows with Vickie Howell of DIY shows Knitty Gritty and Stylelicious (New!). And other than a funny little moron incident where I didn't start the car before backing out of the parking spot (Toyota Engines sure are quiet!) (twice. I thought I started the engine. twice. But I hadn't), I maintained my cool. Vickie kindly didn't laugh really loud at me and told me that the car wasn't on... Right after I made a comment about how the engine is so quiet I can't really tell if the engine is on (Yes, we have engine lights for a reason. Shush). In return, I didn't gush like a starstruck idiot for an hour in the car (how uncomfortable would that have been?). Sure, I love her show (oh, I think I should mention this to her. I might have forgotten) and yesterday, I did something nice for her. I fixed her laptop's Ethernet connection.

Come visit her on Saturday 4/22, 2pm at the Oakland Convention Center (map) attached to the Oakland Marriott. It is a quick hop off 880. If you're going to the Maker Faire, Oakland is only 30 minutes away from San Mateo. Just a bridge, really

She's just as cute as her picture and totally nice.

Evidently, I come off composed when meeting people I admire (other than my tendency to blush) and not like a total nut job. Whew! However, even if I do scare them a bit, I know this is exuberance. Not insanity. Oh heck, who am I trying to convince. And Yarn Harlot, take note, that parking lot was one of many local Peet's Coffee shops

1 There is hope that I won't gush and molest male movie stars. My boyfriend is now a bit more relieved. And he must like how I watch fictitious anime where all the characters are drawn.


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Charlene gave me wonderful sock yarn for my birthday!


Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock CUSTOM PurlSoho colorway in what I think is Sage

So.Totally.Awesome. I think it is Sage. The tag says Ons/22ms. It smells great with a slight hint of acrid setting agent amongst the bouquet of wool. Believe it or not, this is the first Lorna's Laces that has made it into my stash! I'm thinking of Cookie's Pomatomus sock pattern if the striping looks good or a feather and fan pattern.

(Yes, I did/do really want sock yarn for my birthday). Thank you Charlene! It is soooooo me. Thanks for thinking of me when you went into PurlSoho, too.

Wendy graciously sent me some wonderful sock yarn from her de-stashing. I did the happy yarn dance when I opened the package and will re-enact it for you once I get caught up with my Japan Photos.



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