It dawned upon me a few days ago that I'll soon turn 26. This. Well, it is big. 25 meant that heck yeah, I'm an adult who should be self supporting. I was also a graduate student. Things weren't so URGENT. But 26. Hey, my "life" should be in full swing. I'm done with classes. As birthdays loom, I like to see if I'm moving a direction. Front, back, sideways. Slow, fast, Lost in Translation standstill (as crowds move past you, feeling alienated).
This next month will be dedicated into furthering the direction I want to go. Give me some encouragement for my jog forward, will you? I have all the supporting foundation- the fancy little letters after my name, desire to go forth, and family who supports me. Other than some biological need for excessive sleep I can't figure out (is it this gray gray weather?), I'm starting to feel this primal urge to move forward. It is the right time. Time to make some changes.
Speaking of Changes:
Yo, Melissa my bestest buddy, congratulations on the whole Grad School Ph.D decision! Eloquence abandons me, only the dorky smile and teary eyes remain. So proud of you. I'd drink an entire pint of beer to prove it. (Trust me, that's love)
Robin, a close high-school friend, is also graduating/escaping with her Master's degree. Congratulations!
Charlene finished her first year of Grad School at Berkeley. Yay!
Yes, I'm lucky to have such awesome friends. And you know what? They're really friends, in the best interpretation possible. Fun, supportive, and honest.
This has been a little peek into freecia's life beyond her knitting, travel, and geek toys :) Hope you enjoyed it.