back is 33cm long
Sway progress report. Lookie Lookie!
March 2005 Archives
Still a bit dusty around here. The individual and category archives still need work. Sidebar links will be added back when that website's service is more stable DANKE Oh, did I imply I was done changing things? Uhm. I'm not. Yes yes, this is all based on someone else's css because that person was spankin smart and a good web designer. Isn't the middle centered text easier to read? Black and white good, yes? Easier on the eyes?
There will be changes comin along. More changes :) I'm trying to get the hang of doing wonderful cute slideshows a la skinnyrabbit integrated with gallery.
This might be a 3 plugin project - mtgallery, mtembed, and multiblog. Really. yeesh. I might just upload to gallery first then hard-link to albums. I want captions!
And need to platform test. I'm just totally sure something doesn't work somewhere on a main browser (stats say IE6 for XP, firefox, and robin ;) )
Give me some feedback on the new layout, please
text too small, to large, weird justification, etc
Please excuse the wacko layout for another few hours :)
Sway cardie is buried in the depths of my bag right now. After knitting about 4 inches, I discovered that I had done the fatal careless cast on. Missing casting on about 10 stitches resulting in a much skinnier back piece and didn't discover this major brain fart until I'd knit up about 4 inches. Deep breaths. Okay.
Started over given the happy fact that I have many more balls of wound yarn. Got to a little more than the point I was at in only two days. Then my McGuyver-like pieces o string of yarn counters fell off, yet again. Then, in another brain numbing eye opening session of examination (I seem to examine when I can't figure out what is going wrong) that I had accidentally purled a few knits down by the ribbing. Oh, nothing major. But enough to irk me to pieces. I think I finally found the one thing I might be a control freak over. Really, I am not quite sure why, other than the fact that I want my sweater to be perfect since I'll actually wear it and and. Aauuugah! I need to stop harping. I just need to sit down, drop that stitch 40 some times, then crochet pick-up back up and repeat for all of them. Hey, it beats re-knitting the entire back.
Cleaning. That's right. Procrastination cleaning. Finals week just started so I need to clean up my messy space and file things neatly so I can find them this week. Then mess them up again.
Here's a few things I've seen and decided to post just because someone else might find it interesting -
Web of Letters pico-letter engine
Nifty little desktop calendar program Rainlender It floats on your desktop and can integrate with outlook and other calendar programs to pull your appointments.
What DO people carry in their bags? Flickr knows Another great mystery solved. I have a ball of yarn. What?! It's alpaca. No needles. I should put some in there for breaks... Maybe next time when I go buy my row counter I'll get a smaller/shorter #6.
Melissa said that she thought this site was based on blue. I was under the same misconception but my mother says I keep on bringing home mouldy greens (the same color as the website as a few photos have proven). She also pronounces my less than tidy hair to "look like a homeless person's". That's a mom for ya. I'd be slightly worried if there weren't these teenage-like points of contention.
Not enough room to breathe, but enough to take a bit of the remainder of the evening lightly when I came home around 9:30. Congratulating myself (and my project partner Joanna, yes Joanna from high school) for having done swimmingly well on our project. Went and bugged my dad with snippets of comments I perceived in my puffed up state as praise from my Prof. Now just some more documentation and the second part of the project. And the final.
Ughah. About a week and a half more to go where once again time seems to speed by too quickly. Yes, it is the end of the quarter and finals ;)
Started a new knitting project today- Sway Sweater by Kim Hargreaves on the knitrowan website. The yarn is the Debbie Bliss Merino DK I bought fairly recently at a sweet Uncommon Threads sale. $3 a ball for 110m! Yes, in the color of this webpage. Mouldy green may just be my default color. I almost purchased a lovely darker blue with a slight bit of green-grey in Merino Aran but the yardage was so much less for the same price. That turns out to have been a slightly bad choice. Read on for a few things I've learned in the process so far. Especially point #6. #6 is a wonderful point I wish someone had told me about before I parsed (yes I am a geek) an entire graph for the back and left front.
For those of you who don't know, it is James' birthday today. Since my memory for dates is ... in flux, well, I'm happy that I got it right this year. I've pretty much convinced myself and him that my horrible date memory is not all that bad and if I get it within a week, that's reasonable.
Happy Birthday James!