sharp points: March 2006 Archives


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I'm rather pleased with my olympic knit- Cat Bordhi's Cashmere Cowl [pdf warning] It was knit up in Rowan Calmer and the only thing I'd change is that I'd make it bigger. That's right, bigger, so it would cover my shoulders.


Which means I can also post this much belated gold medal (my acceptance is late, not the Yarn Harlot's gracious presentation of it)


Lastly, Charlene has one huge ball of yarn here-

Serendipity - A better way to graft toes

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I read Felicia's Blog sweet georgia and followed the link to June's blog. June's post on Jaywalker socks pointed to how to graft socks without kitchener stitch. I've never been especially proficient with kitchener so I'm happy I came by these two links:
- Sock Toe Chimneys by Lucy Neatby
- How to do Kitchener Stitch with out Kitchener(ing)
Here it is folks, the probably not at all highly anticipated directions for the two other knitters out there who can't do Kitchener Stitch without it looking like it was done by ferrets.

How sweet knitter serendipity is.

Crafty Genetics

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I may have been enabled into crafts by my Aunt Tracy but my mom is pretty talented, too. Okay, well, my mother has always claimed that she can knit, sew, and crochet, but has other things she'd rather do with her time. Haha! I lured her in from a 20 something year hiatus in knitting by bringing back some bulky yarn (oh yes, Mom is expedient.) and she asked if purple was available. Well, a lavender-ish shade certainly is. I stole her knitting while she's out and snagged a pic. Look at what Mom did in about an hour last night!


Look how darn even her knit stitches are. Oy.

She remembered how to cast on and knit without a single refresher course. We joked that she could liken it to ride a bike, you never forget the mechanical action, but my mom never learned how to ride a bike.

Clearly, I come by this crafty stuff genetically ;)

Oh, she also decided that she still likes the orange-yellow shade of Plymouth Handpaint (purchased from fullthreadahead in-store) so I think I'm going to buy a few skeins and make a mobius for her as a secret gift. I'm lucky this stuff is bulky.

The other thing which allowed me to enable? It's been about 50 degrees F with lots of rain and our upcoming trip to Japan just promises more of this weather.

Olympic Update: Yes, I do need to post the gold medal. I still need to post a picture of the FO (finished object) first and hope to get to that this weekend.

ARRR Matey

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To my secret pal from nipper's Booty Swap, thanks for signing up! Here be some resources if ye be a scratchin the noggie for what this pirate be wantin'.

Old Secret Pal entries
Secret Pal Questionaire

We be good mates and I share me grog with ye. Mebbe if you have those question thingies, I be answerin. Mebbe I be practicin me swashbuckling or out on a raid. Leave word at the pub (comments).

Back to the homework. Argh, a graduate's pirate work never be done. Cuts into the knitting time and Project Runway, it does ;)

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This page is a archive of entries in the sharp points category from March 2006.

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