Evidently everyone loves a bit of ballroom dancing Street Fighters II. I had no idea salsa was popular in South Korea...
Go watch it. Hilarious!
wmv link
Evidently everyone loves a bit of ballroom dancing Street Fighters II. I had no idea salsa was popular in South Korea...
Go watch it. Hilarious!
wmv link
at least I knit through it.
A little known fact is that I occasionally watch bad E! shows. Today I caught E! Entertainment Special - 20 Hippest Hotspots while channel cruising after I got home from class. Now, this isn't a brain rotter or one of those armchair crusty geek "look at that hot chick" and sweat things. No, what separates me from the rest of the crowd is
a) I kinda like to look at the decor and don't enjoy the filled party goer shots in dark flashy lighting.
b) I'm not a party girl by choice. Really. I have friends. Beyond da intarweb.
c) I don't breathe heavily upon seeing tv stars on the tv in places which aren't tv sets. First, they're still on tv and I'm not there. Second, noisy breathers make me want to strangulate them. Or hand them nose hair clippers.
d) I am not addicted to E! to watch the glitterati. I flipped between it and X-Files.
e) I know that many of those "exclusivity" secret handshakes are pretty much, well, about exclusive as $50 and standing in line for a few hours. And freezing your tush and tatas off if you're dressed appropriately.
f) I saw the lounge beds in one club and thought "hmm. but isn't it too noisy to sleep in there? And oh ewww. Whose sweat is on there?"
g) dancing girls? I'd rather see the aerial act like I caught at Ra. The club world has enough dancing girls. I could just go to E3 instead to see booth babes. At least E3 has gadgets.
And the biggest reason I amuse myself by watching bad E! television is the repeating refrain every 4 minutes "Dude. that looks tiring. And crowded. Can you only show up for 20 minutes if you're famous? I like to sleep more than this party thing I'm seeing."
In all, this whole fame thing seems to involve people taking pictures of you everywhere especially when you're chewing or at the drive through. Maybe with tp stuck to your foot. Having people show up at all the places you like to go to except they're not Hollywood pretty nor have they heard of you. If they have, they've got a "great script idea". Being obligated to party like you're in your early twenties, just like imdb says you are, except your agent told you to take 4 years off your age. Get asked to sign tp or napkins. Have some person take your trash, including that piece of tp which was stuck to your shoe. Possibly autographed. And sharing air kiss space with the Olsen twins who stopped doing adorable and now just do skeeze.
It is easier to watch E! to fulfill my (raging) party life. At least I don't need to avoid gropage or take a shower afterwards. No extra calories or bar tab.
And yes, many E! shows are bad shows. If only they had also done a piece on amazing bathrooms like the Travel Channel.
Knit with : South West Trading Co Bamboo in "Special Exclusive Colorway aka Serendipity"
Needles :
- Denise #10 to get gauge. Which really run to 5.6mm. US #9 = 5.5 mm
- Clover #7 29" circular
Size: 16" for ease and because bamboo has very little elasticity.
Two balls of same yarn held together to get gauge. Or semblance thereof. Plenty of yarn left over to make a few washcloths. Total time? Two days or so.
What I might change. The outer ribbing seems like an underarm poof thing. Maybe an applied i-cord might be a good idea? Also, might rip out the edging to re-bind-off using #10 instead of #7. #7 gives a large enough but slightly tight feeling. Somehow modify the arm area so there's less of a wrinkle.
Easy knitting while watching tv. Getting gauge is the only tricky part as I knit tight and bamboo doesn't stretch like wool.
Bamboo yarn is pleasant to knit with and provides good stitch definition. Also a light halo and fuzz to the yarn. Easier on my fingers than some cottons
Close up
Indoor with dirty mirror
Gauge. heh heh Gauge. The two one skein wonders in comparison.
Will I knit this again? Probably. Maybe after I get some different needles. Just one skein is so hard to resist. Another thought- this might be an affordable Rowan Calmer project if you adjust for gauge difference
Update: I know I said I was going to go and tell them about us, but surprise surprise, they actually managed to sell out today. I hadn't registered due to my summer schedule (academics and taking advantage of summer) so I guess I'll be listening to it via podcast on itconversations.
Norma posted how she noticed an aspect about knitblogging I totally agree with and felt the MIT survey researchers should knowb) One observation I've made from the beginning is that we knitbloggers are a completely different breed than most bloggers. We are far more interactive than the others, and far more likely to meet each other in person and become close acquaintances and friends. (or am I just being ethnocentric?)Did you see this Women in Blog conference?
Mission Statement: "The guys all know each other, but we don't...What do I want to get out of [a BlogHer Conference]? More leads to interesting women so that I can follow their writings and mention them in my blog." - Charlene Li, Principal Analyst and Blogger, Forrester Research"This is in relation to point b) where I feel that these blog-ladies have not stumbled upon the knit blogs. The majority is female, can sway knitter opinion, and blog with frequency. Some are able to commercialize their success (thank goodness for bookbookbook!). We know of each other, if not actually know each other - You say Yarn Harlot and we immediately know who you're talking about. We meet up deliberately and even when we run past each other at a yarn sale or knit group, we get an inking of "Heeeeyyyy. Isn't that? (Some knitter I know via her blog but now get to meet in person?)" We're high tech- when the Harlot comes to the tech-worshiping west coast, there will probably be live "at the event" blogging. Camera picture "moblogging". Maybe even audio blogging. We've got our own podcast. We've got knitalongs and web-rings. We've got video tutorials and image "follow alongs" to show new techniques. And bloglines? RSS? old hat, thankyouverymuch.
{flickr tags = yarn | oneskeinwonder }
Okay. Just look at the sizing comparing to a Real Simple Magazine. No, I'm tiny but not that tiny. I will repeat this endeavor soon after ripping this and hope to get gauge. Once again, I shouldn't have trusted the band on the ball and my silly notions of getting gauge. Harumph. It was the same knitter's insanity that told me to forge ahead, much like sweetgeorgia's OSW
Sizing-wize, I think I'll aim for the third sizing- 15" shoulder to shoulder, rather than 14" on way too tiny gauge.
Oops. But what do I have to make me feel better? Read on!
Photos are here! It was a wonderful peaceful vacation with lots of water and clean air.
Washington and Victoria Album
Seattle, Mukilteo, and Friday Harbor Slideshow
Victoria Slideshow
It was a great relaxing vacation, especially being in Friday Harbor where there are no traffic lights in downtown and I stayed in a hut without TV (but had internet access via FH lab). Many thanks to Charlene for encouraging me to go and arranging for housing. Thanks to Tim for driving us about in Seattle.
Next time, we will try the belgian fries. And Charlene will be dragged to Beehive Wool
It was close, but I managed to make a tri-store run before heading home. I'm now back home with a cup of my favorite tea, still a bit woozy in the balance department. That was probably from riding so many ferries.
Will upload pictures and take photos of the yarn. In the meantime, I leave you to wonder how I managed to fit in 7 yarn stores in 4 days. And not even call this a yarn run trip :) Also give you a rundown of which stores I loved the mostest for "stuffs which made my eyes boggle in newfound glory" aka, who had stuff I hadn't seen before. And exactly how hard is that given the excellence of the local yarn shops. :)
Almost at the finish line for finals. It's not pretty but it is a hard deadline. Thank goodness I'm off on vacation for a week and taking a quick re-charge trip out of the area. Itchy feet, wild wild heart. I gonna go have me some fun ;)
The theme will either be:
- How many specialty shops can freecia hit
- How many islands can she hop
- How many ferries can she get on
- How much food can she eat
- How much oddball stuff can she see
- How many mornings will she actually get up early
It might be another whirlwind tour of the NorthWest, it might be a leisurely soporific relaxation. Hey. It might be both.
Now just to survive until tonight.
It's the last week and that means all my term projects are due. Yes. It is that time again. Some days I dream about being the student who is such a great self-starter that they're done weeks (WEEKS!) before the term project is due. I gotta work on this. Then sometimes I wonder how, if it weren't an ingrained behavioral aspect but an active pursuit of self-improvement, I'd feel when my teachers would post last minute projects in their own desperate attempts to have enough to base a grade upon. Or to teach us just a little bit more. As you can imagine, heaping more work upon me at the last minute is a bit :/ But isn't this the real world? Isn't this what I'm trying to get prepped for in the world of Grad School?
So, the real thing to want to be is a self-starter who can adapt willing and readily to changing circumstances. Dude, is there even a book on this?
Here are a few things I'm looking forward to after Friday night 7 pm (when my classes end)
I saw my little nephew yesterday who isn't so little anymore. Despite only being a few months old, he is wearing 6 month or 9 month clothes. This kid was born in April! Whew. Good thing I'm knitting up Trellis for a 1 year old. Maybe he'll need it by fall.
Also, while knitting along and admiring the cute baby, I missed knitting in a buttonhole. Ooops. Put one in later. That'll just be the buttonhole memorialized for the cuteness of my nephew.
In other knitting news, I signed up for the Sockapal-2-za
to encourage me to learn to knit socks. Person who will receive my beginner socks, not to worry, I have some master sock knitters around me to help me out. Really. Don't worry. Two. Two socks. Right? I can do this. Sure.