site mods: June 2004 Archives

MT upgraded


Once again MT has been upgraded. This time it's MT3.0D And most of the upgrades are seen by the author (not user) so don't expect too much. The input text boxes are bigger which is handy so I don't go blind.

If you have 1 author, 3 blogs or less, and only intend to use this for personal blogging, this version of MT is free. If you don't meet the qualifications, be prepared to pay. Lots. Try WordPress which is Free. (And it seems to intend to stay that way)

site layout tweak?

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After seeing moxie graphic designers' portfolio it makes me want to remodel. I don't know if I'll change the colors but I may change the layout and add some graphics. I happen to love these colors. In fact, here's a photo from my yarn collection I've started .

My mother likes to call that green moldy green. So I'll be thinking about how to improve the layout (looking through the moxie portfolio probably). I don't need a new innovative layout since I like the current one just fine. However, it could use some nice accents punches and graphic interest.

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This page is a archive of entries in the site mods category from June 2004.

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