Voyage afar

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I never thought I'd ever be on the amazon, but the evidence is here! My recent trip to Peru included a visit to the rainforest, walk through macchu picchu, and other spectacular sights. Go take a look at the photoset

sweetheart socks (Hand Knit Friday)

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Slowly but surely I managed to finish a pair of sweetheart socks! Pattern is from the 2007 Holiday Interweave magazine They're not quite identical but given how little I've been knitting recently (at least, things that aren't baby knits for gifts) I'm quite happy with them!

And so, it is a Hand Knit Friday!


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Not much knitted. The mind is busy with work stuff, as are the hands. By the end of the day, they just kinda turn off.

Perhaps what I need is a nice plain sock with a lovely yarn to entice me, but that doesn't sound interesting. How do you balance finding something just interesting enough but able to do while dead tired/asleep?

Pattern suggestions please. I need something that is practically stockinette and won't look bad if I mess it up. Is a sock in a nice yarn the answer? Or just piling some yarn on my bed while I sleep enough to comfort the Knitter in me for a while...

For those about to Travel

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Taxis waiting at SFO to pick up passengers

Knitting pictures should appear soon!

Weather Whimp

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It has long been established that I'm a wimpy Californian when it comes to the cold. While google claims that it is a fair 70 degrees outside, inside the house, it feels about 60.

Solution? Please excuse my shivering while I put on a hat, a down vest, and hug a hot water bottle. Finished knits to the rescue! One Koolhaas hat made of Malabrigo Merino Worsted weight
Photo 4.jpg

I'll post a better picture of the hat sometime soon, but I need to go heat up with a hot shower and knit some wool socks. Yes, that's me, Miss Weather Whimp.

Bambino #1

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I finally did some last minute finishing as bambino #1 came into the world about a week ago. So far, I've only got photos and have not seen the bambino in person, but I sent along the finished knit with his grandma.

Baby knits, oh so cute!

Pattern: Elizabeth Zimmerman's February Baby Sweater from Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitter's Almanac
Yarn: Mountain Colors Bearfoot in Rich Red
Needle: #5 US 24" needle

Pattern: Saarjte's Booties [pdf]
Size: Large (but knit on 3mm needles to fit a newborn)

Yes, these photos were taken at a stoplight on the way to gift them. I just picked up the buttons the night before and finally found a tapestry needle that fit in the buttonholes. And yes, I only made two buttonholes. I forgot the others...

Secret Seasonal Knitter

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I found myself up at 1 am last night with extremely cold feet and in need of wool socks. I woke up this morning and wished for wool sweaters. I'm sure by the time I get home tonight, I'll go diving through my stash and organizing my closet to pool out my woolies and mend what needs to be repaired.

Yes, friends, though I've always considered myself a four season knitter, when the chilly weather hits (and by chilly, I mean in the 60's during the day), I go on a warm clothing rampage. The knitting bug kicks in and I'm staring at my sizable sock yarn collection, thinking that I really should have knit socks all summer like Wendy so I'd be semi-prepared for this "I need cold weather clothes, now!" bug. Just a few more months until everything in the LL Bean catalog looks wonderful, especially if it was made to withstand below freezing weather. That's what makes it almost suitable for a mild California winter for this California girl.

In the meantime, I've been knitting little baby sweaters and just have to finish them. Well, the babies will come sooner or later, so obviously they've got to be finished!

This is not me : Phreesia

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Hehe. I wonder if they pronounce it similarly to my name!
Phreesia - Electronic Doctors Office

Never pass muster

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I would never pass muster as a Japanese housewife... But I want one of these bento lunch jars! (undecided on model)

I saw the Mini Bento and while super cute, it is also super small with only one section for hot food (that was about the size of a cup or so?)

And some who read this blog also know that I enjoy my morning sleep, balancing the "lemme sleep some more" with "Uh oh. I gotta do this before I get to work" rationale in the morning. Those people are laughing their heads off right now.

But one can dream and admire those who would beat me up in a lunch packing contest (does takeout count? 'Cause Nijiya Supermarket in Mountain View makes great bento)

Things you may not know about my mother:

  • She doesn't like microwaves because she believes they will turn food into radioactive waste
  • She has filled the microwave with dried goods and uses it as a storage locker
  • She thinks standing near a working microwave often enough will give you cancer
  • She believes heated plastic is the next worst thing to Styrofoam
  • We both have a thing for containers, mostly made of plastic. Yeah. Go figure.
    (Scientific or not, you don't want to mess with my mother)

More sheepy stuff

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Heh. Heh heh heh. Sheep in neon. Too bad it isn't a late night yarn store!

I don't know what is up with the intended purposes of this auction...

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