domesticated knitter

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Here's some more questions from the SP3 newsletter

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
"ooooh ahhhh" soft wool or blends from DK weight and above. Worsted weight is my favorite
14. What fibers do you absolutely not like?
thin center strand eyelash and coarse feeling yarns. Haven't knit with shetland and probably won't ever knit a shetland sweater
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
sweaters. I want to make a sweater. Becky is so inspiring and I love her sweaters even though I don't wear pink. Plus, I know I can do it!
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
I can't decide yet! There's so many more things to try. I love knitting purses and bags. They're the perfect size for a quick project. I don't think I'll like knitting socks.
17. What are you knitting right now?
Christmas gifts :/ >> scarves, hats, and gloves. I want to be knitting bags and sweaters
18. What do you think about ponchos? (this is really a curiousity question for us)
On me? No thanks. Everyone else? If you like 'em, go for it
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
Circular all the way. I have short arms. I like my Denise set but if Addi Turbo came out with an interchangeable set, I'd buy them in a flash. Bamboo circ's are nice, too, but I love the Addi join, cord, lightness, and glide.
20. How did you learn to knit?
My Chemistry teacher hosted a craft club while I was in junior high. As a result, I could knit and crochet a really long chain. As for actual knit experience, I started a few months ago.
21. How old is your oldest UFO?
One knit bag which is waiting for me to line if that counts, 2 months. If not, uhm, about a month? I try to finish my projects before I start another so at any given time, I'll have two or three WIP

psst. domesticated because the international buddies have already received their assignments. I'm banging on the refresh button every half hour


Hi Melissa!
I have been waiting all week to find out who would be my target! I'm so excited about this, and I'm glad to see you have a nice extensive blog for me to explore. :) Have a great long weekend! I suppose you can call me Blanca, that name/email address has nothing to do with the rest of my web stuff, and it's the name of a character from a novel.

Why did I just call you Melissa? I have no idea, I think all this excitement has fried my brain. Anyway, Freecia, have a nice weekend!
I feel so sly having an alias. :)

Hi Freecia! I was looking through the secret pal blogroll for new sites to visit and came upon yours. Thank you for such a nice mention :-)

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